Dear Tinkerers,
Let's get wired together before Christmas!
I have prepared an easy and free Tutorial about a simple Angel everyone can do, even complete beginners. These little fellows can be worn as a necklace or be used as decoration for example on your christmas tree. They are also a nice little addition for your christmas presents. Just fill out your Name and E-Mail address below and get access to the recording of the Live Stream in my Group Magical wire-wrapping with Monsterance as well as a downloadable PDF Tutorial. Additionally, as a celebration for my first ever English Live Stream, you will recieve a Coupon Code for my Etsy shop!
Enter your Name and Email below and get access to the Stream and your free PDF Photo Guide!
Detailed, high quality Photos with a precise description for every Step!
If you prefer to do things in accompany with others, you have a chance to join my Facebook Group and join my Live Stream for this Tutorial and more to come in the future!
Feel free to post your Results of this Tutorial in my Facebook-Group, ask for some tips or just enjoy the community of likewise people!
We're a small group right now but we are growing! I am happy to welcome everybody to my group!
This simple Angel Tutorial is just one of many Tutorials to come in the Future.
If you enjoy my Tutorials, you will get regular, exclusive discounts for my Etsy shop.
Sign up to recieve access to the Stream and get your PDF Photo Guide!
About the Author
Monsterance (BcA. Anna Benešová) is a wireworker, jewellery designer and lecturer of wirework technique. She makes original wire jewellery and regularly teaches wirework courses in the Czech Republic and abroad. She has over 15 years of experience in the field and has come a long way from traditional wirework of pots and decorations, through wrought jewellery to elaborate jewellery with fantasy motifs, in which she combines the American style of working with wire, the so-called wire-wrapping. She is the author of several courses on wirework and the e-book How to Start Wireworking Jewelry, teaches regularly online in her Wirework Club, and enjoys sharing her experiences. She is a big fan of all things handmade and creativity is an essential part of her life. Her wirework classes attended thousands of satisfied participants have already passed through.